Monday 25 November 2013

A day in the life of a depressed soul. {Day 1}

When someone fails to do things you expect them to do. When you need them and they aren't there for you. When you expect them to love you and they don't.
Doesn't it hurt.
You feel left out and alone. Nothing to do, nothing but to think about them. The time you take out for that person comes to no use. To top all of this, that one person who was so close to you and almost lived with you and with who you share everything is moving away slowly.The warmth the encouragement that you once received will all disappear. The thought of it makes it even more worse. Looking at that someone pack bags and leave....It has happened to us all its either we who leave the ones we love or its them who go away. In the end all you have left is memories. Those good times. The days we laughed for no reason. Happy days.

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